Chaire Unesco

Science and technology education and training of teachers

Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme


Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme 


Science & Technology Education Teachers Training International Network- STETTIN

  1. Objectives

The Erasmus Mundus project STETTIN obtained by the IUFM is financed by the European Commission for a budget of €2,524,250. It is a partnership made up of European Universities and Universities from ACP countries. It aims to develop and structure inter-institutional university cooperation for the initial training of students preparing for careers in teaching, education and training in the fields of science, technological and professional education. It applies to all levels of teaching, from kindergarten to university. This project is financed by the European Commission through the Erasmus Mundus Action 2 Programme, one of the cooperation programmes between the European Union and the Third World.

The specific objectives of the programme are:

- To contribute to the mutual enrichment of companies by developing the qualifications of men and women, in order that they gain international experience and the skills relevant to the employment market;

- To promote the mobility of students, researchers, teachers and administrative staff from third world countries, particularly those from vulnerable groups, selected on the basis of their academic excellence, so that they can obtain qualifications and / or experience in Europe;

- To contribute to the development of human resources and the capacity for international cooperation of higher education institutions in third world countries through substantial mobility flows between Europe and these countries, in accordance with the principles of equal opportunity and non-discrimination.

  1. Partnership

The IUFM of the University of Aix-Marseille is the coordinating establishment of a consortium of eighteen partner universities involved in the STETTIN project.

European Universities: University of Aix-Marseille – IUFM (France), Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven (Belgium), University of Patras (Greece), University of Barcelona (Spain), University Montesquieu Bordeaux IV – IUFM of Aquitaine (France);

ACP universities: Cheikh Anta Diop University – ENSETP of Dakar (Senegal), University of Koudougou – ENSUK (Burkina Faso), National Pedagogical Institution for Technical and professional Teaching of Abidjan (Ivory Coast), Higher Education Institution for Technical Teaching of Libreville (Gabon), University of Yaoundé – ENS (Cameroon), University of the Comores (Comores), Bindura University of Sciences Education Zimbabwe), University of Namibia (Namibia), National University of Lesotho (Lesotho), University of Educational Sciences (Haïti), Instituto Superior de Formacion Docente Salomé Uréña (Dominican Republic), University of Lomé (Togo), Teacher Training Institution of Vanuatu (Vanuatu), Universidad Nacional de Guinea Ecuatorial (Equatorial Guinea).

  1. Study field

The STETTIN project is exclusively focused on the domain of education and training of primary, secondary and professional teachers.

The mobility envisaged within the scope of the STETTIN project relates to students following Teaching, Education and Training Professional Masters programmes, PhD students and staff from the project's partner institutions. They are organised from Europe to ACP countries solely for personnel of one of the five European institutions and from the ACP zone to Europe for the three categories of beneficiaries.

From Europe to countries in the ACP zone

This type of mobility relates only to teaching staff, researchers or management personnel from one of the European partner institutions in the STETTIN project who are in post at the time of the mobility. The mobility of personnel is established on the basis of the candidate's personal career plan covered by the remit of the STETTIN project which aims to develop and strengthen partnerships between institutions within the consortium. These personal projects must receive a substantiated recommendation from the home institution and the host institution.

From a country in the ACP zone to Europe

Masters students

Students who come from one of the countries within the ACP zone covered by the project are eligible to a mobility placement. In any event, applicants must meet the requirements to enrol on the courses targeted by the project.

Mobility candidates must have a degree (or a qualification recognised as equivalent by the standards currently in normal use) on September 1 of the academic year in which the mobility begins (on 1 September 2013 for the first year, on 1 September 2014 for the second).

Mobility is organised over a period of three semesters, the fourth semester being a work placement in the home country. The five European universities award 30 ECTS per semester to their students (120 ECTS for the full masters). ACP students will sit the exams required for the masters modules of the host university. The fourth semester corresponds to the writing and viva voce of a professional dissertation, and will be validated by a jury made up of a teacher from the host university and a teacher from the home university.

For students who have chosen a mobility placement in Belgium, the curriculum is organised into four semesters. The first two semesters must be spent at the Katholieke Hogeschool in Sint-Lieven chosen by the candidate during registration. The third semester will be spent at IUFM University of Aix-Marseille and this will depend on the curriculum decided at the start; in this case, and provided that the student meets the conditions for evaluation of the first two semesters, admission onto the course at the second European establishment will take place on the basis of the validation of the higher education completed during the first year of the masters and providing that sixty corresponding ECTS credits have been obtained.

PhD students:

Mobility candidates aiming to prepare for a PhD must hold a master's degree (or a qualification recognised as equivalent by the standards currently in normal use) on 1 September 2013. They must also be enrolled on a PhD programme in one of the partner universities within the ACP zone and have identified a local thesis director. These will be co-directed or co-supervised in accordance with the hosting conditions of the partner university from the ACP zone.

Teaching, researcher and managerial personnel

Candidates must be nationals of one of the ACP countries covered by the project. Teaching, research and managerial personnel from one of the partner establishments in the ACP zone covered by the STETTIN project who are in post at the time of the mobility are eligible to a mobility placement. The mobility of personnel is established on the basis of the candidate's personal career plan covered by the remit of the STETTIN project which aims to develop and strengthen partnerships between institutions within the consortium. These personal projects must receive a substantiated recommendation from the home institution and the host institution.

  1. Mobility placements offered


Mobility placement

Target group


Number of months

Monthly bursary

ACP to Europe








€ 1,000








€ 1,500

Academic and administrative personnel




€ 2,500

Europe to ACP

Academic and administrative personnel




€ 2,500

Students from target group 1 (TG1): applicants must be regularly enrolled in one of the fourteen institutions from the ACP zone that are partners to the STETTIN project.

Students from target group 2 (TG2): applicants must be regularly enrolled in an institution (different from the partner institution) in one of the countries in the ACP zone related to the STETTIN project or be in a return to study project.

Students from target group 3 (TG3): Candidates must be nationals of one of the ACP countries related to the project and meet one of the eligibility criteria in accordance with the target groups of vulnerable populations. These two conditions are assessed according to the criteria defined in the Erasmus Mundus program. They may reside in a country that is not in the ACP zone.