Chaire Unesco

Educación científica y tecnológica y formación docente

Call for paper


29th PATT conference in Marseille (France)  6-10 april 2015

Submission of abstract deadline: until June 30th, 2014.

The PATT 29 conference in Marseille (France)  6-10 april 2015, is hosted by the “Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Education” (ESPE), Aix-Marseille University - and the laboratory of research in education “Apprentissage, Didactique, Evaluation, Formation (ADEF- gestepro team), Aix-Marseille University. PATT conference will as usual focus on school design and technology education and teacher education. Our ambition is to arrange common seminar and social events. You will find important information about PATT 29 conference under the links to the right.

Jacques Ginestié                                        Marjolaine Chatoney
ESPE                                                          & Gestepro team, ADEF
Aix-Marseille Université                              Aix-Marseille Université

Conference venue: Palais du pharo
Conference theme: Plurality and complementarity of approaches in Design &Technology Education
Conference e-mail:
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