On Monday, June 11 the Canebière site opened the celebrations of 20 years of the IUF with the signing of the Unesco Chair agreement "Science and Technology Education and Teacher Training" pulpit ENSTP granted to the ENSTP of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar and the IUFM of Aix-Marseille University.
The 740th Chair awarded by Unesco and the 24th in the field of teacher training, this label is the first to be awarded to scientific and technological education and aims to develop exchanges and cooperation in relation to training and research in this area of education. The result of a long preparation, it is a milestone for both institutions who "are committing to continue to build and strengthen our expertise in teaching, education and training," according to Yvon Berland, President of the University of Aix-Marseille.
The ceremony was an opportunity for Saliou Ndiaye, President of the University of Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar to recall the second place occupied by technical teaching and training in the field of education, to which the country allocates 40% of its budget, an issue that will "chart the way towards the road of emergence ', develop the "process of social and economic development " and the benefits of cooperation between institutions in the North and the South. Jacques Ginestié, citing Unesco's founding documents and objectives which this collaborative project is part of explained the process required to improve teacher recruitment.
A tribute was paid to the preparation time devoted to this project and the image of "born under epidural" that Ibrahima Wabe, director of ENSETP gave it, along with the African proverb quoted by the Rector of the University of Dakar "Those who eat eggs cannot imagine how much difficulty the chicken had in laying them," captured the attention of the President of the School of Midwifery at the University of Aix-Marseille.
Finally, "best wishes for the implementation of the projects for this new chair" were given by David Atchoarena, Director of Unesco's Division for the professional development of teachers.
This "special time for friendship and solidarity" between institutions was marked by the unveiling of a plaque commemorating the signing of the agreement between the partners and ended with a round table on the theme "Training teachers, an issue of education for all, a place for North-South cooperation."
Martine BIGOT
Head of the IUFM Communication department